Sunday, 15 June 2014

Kalgoorlie - Gold Country

We have made our way from Karijini down to Kalgoorlie and the temperature has dropped as we have headed south. What a shock after having 5 weeks of sunshine and 32 degree days. Last night it was 1! We have had to swap our thongs and shorts for ugg boots and 'trackies'. Camped at the start of the Canning stock route  one night, just near  Well 2,  north of Wiluna. Had a beaut bush camp and a nice fire but still wished we were able to head back up north via the stock route and find the sun again.
We contacted Debbie and Vyaslav ( some good friends of Jill's cousin Deb that we know from Sydney, who now live in Kalgoorlie). We arranged to meet them at Paddy's at the Exchange hotel for dinner. We had a lovely dinner catching up. We are the first visitors they have had in the 4 years they have been here! Can I tell you all there is plenty to see over this way so I can't believe no one has been over.
This morning we took Alison and Greg to see the super pit - Kalgoorlie's massive gold mine. We saw it for the first time when we did the Canning Stock Route. It never ceases to impress you though - it is enormous. The huge mining tipper trucks look like 'Tonka' toys.( if you look closely at the pictures of the pit below you will see what we mean) There are 31 of them on site at a cost of 4 million each. Each truck has a 225 tonne payload, and each load bears the equivalent of one egg size of gold. If filled with water the pit would take 220,000 Olympic swimming pools to fill. Amazing.
Time to move on .... we now head east and start our track across the Nullabor.
Well 2 Canning Stock Route

Morning tea- getting cold

Super Pit 

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