Friday, 13 June 2014

Karijini National Park and a change of plans.....

Arrived in Karijini National Park early in the day so we did a nice walk around the rim of Dales Gorge, the circular pool and the Fortesque falls.  The Hammersley ranges are beautiful. The drive in was gorgeous lots of  orange /red boulders , red , red earth and all sprinkled with miles of spinifex.
Unfortunately we are now not going to be able to truck the cars back from Perth.........
Soooooo.....we are driving home. As we are still in Karijini we have decided to head home from here. It will be a lot less driving than if we go out  to the Coast first, so we are missing Ningaloo and heading East. Through Newman, Meekatharra, Wiluna , Kalgoorlie then across the Nullabor. We will have a week to do it so it shouldn't be too bad, not quite as relaxing as a flight though!

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